Clusterless introduces the concept of a lot
, simply a batch of data objects that all arrived within
the same interval of time.
The currently supported intervals are:
- 5 minute interval -
- 10 minute interval -
- 15 minute interval
The lot
id value is used to maintain auditability through the system by either partitioning data by lots and/or
embedding the lot id value in the file name.
A lot id is formatted in a uniform way. Expected to be monotonic. And should be a concise representation of a time unit (a 5 or 10 minute interval) that is both human-readable and machine friendly against simple algorithms, e.g. splitting and sorting.
An example lot would be 20221013PT5M000
, representing the 5-minute interval (Twelfths
) starting at midnight on
October, 13, 2022.
A lot id will represent the wall clock time data was observed and the objects collected, it does not represent the time range within the data, or when the object was created.
For example, an object (csv file) may have 100 records between 23:59 and 00:01. But the file was written in 00:02, yet
the event was not seen until 00:03. If the lots are configured as 5 minute intervals, this file will be recorded in a
manifest with the given lot id of 20221013PT5M000.
See the ADR on machine-and-human-friendly-interval-ids.