Status Ranges

The cls arcs status and cls datasets status commands accept a time range to search within.

It is expected that range option values will be pasted from other sources, so a large number of formats are supported.

The range options are:


- Earliest time to include in report, inclusive. Default to 12h.


- Latest time to include in report, exclusive. Default is now.

All values are assumed to be in UTC.

These options support a few different time formats.

Lot id format

A lot id used by Clusterless like 20231108PT5M197

Absolute time format

A date and time in the format like 2015-02-10T02:04:30+00:00.

Adjuster time format

A time adjustment in the format like 12h@h

Lot Ids

The lot id format is governed by the temporal duration unit used by the given project, see Lot for more information.

These lot ids are frequently displayed or used in urls and files created and maintained by Clusterless. They can be trivially pasted into the cls command line.

Absolute Time

Some examples of supported absolute times are:

  • 2015-02-10T02:04:30+00:00

  • 2015-02-10 02:04:30

  • february 10th 2015, 02:04:03

  • 02/10/15 02:04 AM

  • Feb/10/15 02:04

  • 1423526400000

Many other formats are supported as well.

Adjuster Time

An adjuster starts with the current moment (in UTC), and adjusts the value backwards based on a simple syntax.

The adjuster format is based on the Splunk adjuster offset format.

Some examples include:

  • An hour ago - 60m or `-60m

  • An hour ago, on the hour - 1h@h

  • Beginning of the current day - @d

  • A week ago today - 7d@d

  • Beginning of current week - @w0

Simple Adjust Format

A simple adjuster has the value now or is in the format <time_integer><time_unit>.

now is shorthand for this instant in time, without any adjustment.

The time_unit is one of the following:

Table 1. Time Units
Range Values


s, sec, secs, second, seconds


m, min, minute, minutes


h, hr, hrs, hour, hours


d, day, days


w, week, weeks


mon, month, months


q, qtr, qtrs, quarter, quarters


y, yr, yrs, year, years

Snap Format

A time adjuster can snap to time, it takes the format <time_integer><time_unit>@<time_unit>.

And adjuster that starts with @ will truncate the current time by the specified time unit

Thus @d will reference the beginning of the current day.

And @h will reference the beginning of the current hour.

Any adjuster before the @ will anchor the adjuster to a past moment, before truncating the moment by the snap time unit.

A week ago today is 7d@d. 7d adjusts back 7 days, and @d truncates that day to start the moment at midnight starting that day.

Chained Adjusters Format

Chains of adjusters is also supported.

@d-2h will snap to the beginning of today (midnight), and then subtract two hour from that moment, resulting in 10PM yesterday (10PM last night).