Install and Run Quickstart

Clusterless relies on the AWS CDK binary.

Both Clusterless and the CDK must be independently bootstrapped. Bootstrapping initializes a cloud provider account and region for use with the CDK and Clusterless.

The AWS CDK binary is a Node.js app, so Node.js must be installed.

All three can be installed on macOS via Homebrew.

Install via Homebrew

Homebrew is the easiest way to install the AWS CDK and Clusterless on macOS:

$ brew install aws-cdk
$ cdk --version

Be sure to bootstrap the AWS CDK.

$ brew tap clusterlesshq/tap
$ brew install clusterless
$ cls --version

Other Install


If you don’t have Node.js installed, you can install it via:

See the guide on the AWS site to install the latest version:

$ npm install -g aws-cdk

Installing Clusterless

The Clusterless CLI app cls is downloadable from GitHub releases:

Download and unzip. Add the bin folder to your PATH.

The bin folder will have:

  • cls - the root CLI interface

  • cls-aws - the AWS interface only used as an escape hatch and testing

Post CDK Install

After installation, make sure to bootstrap your account and region:

$ cdk bootstrap aws://ACCOUNT-NUMBER-1/REGION-1 aws://ACCOUNT-NUMBER-2/REGION-2 ...

Bootstrapping a Cloud Placement

Clusterless must bootstrap a cloud provider account within a given region, called a placement.

This is not the same as bootstrapping the AWS CDK (as outlined above).

To perform a bootstrap, call:

$ cls bootstrap

Or with a specific AWS profile:

$ cls bootstrap --profile [profile name]

This will start an interactive session that asks for the necessary placement data:

  • provider

  • account id

  • region

  • optional stage (the prefix to use for all resources)

Alternatively, you can call:

$ cls bootstrap --providers aws --account [account] --region [region] --stage  [stage]

Where stage may be left blank.

Using Clusterless

Next visit Intro to see guides on using clusterless.

For working code, check out these repositories: