cls arcs status [-v] [--list] [--stage[=<stage>]] [--account=<account>] [--output=<format>] [--profile=<profile>] [--region=<region>] [--name=<names>]… [-P=<providerNames>]… [--project=<projects>]… [--state=<states>]… [[--earliest=<earliest>] [--latest=<latest>]]
Show a summary of deployed arcs status (within the time range). Where status is one of:
running: workload is in process
complete: workload finished successfully
partial: workload finished but some data is missing
missing: workload finished but no data, possibly due to missing upstream data
The --list option will output all arc instances instead of summarizing.
- --account=<account>
Filter results by account.
- --list
List all arc instances instead of summarizing.
- --name=<names>
Filter results by the name of the arc.
- --output=<format>
Print results using given format.
Values: table, json, csv, tsv (default: table)
- -P, --providers=<providerNames>
Provider substrates to target.
- --profile=<profile>
Cloud profile.
- --project=<projects>
Filter results by project, and optionally version. (e.g. 'project:version')
- --region=<region>
Filter results by region.
- --stage[=<stage>]
Filter results by stage.
- --state=<states>
Filter results by the state of the arc.
- -v, --verbose
Specify multiple -v options to increase verbosity.
For example,
-v -v -v
Time Range Options:
- --earliest=<earliest>
Earliest time to include in report, inclusive.
Where the time can be most any date/time format, or
an adjuster such as '1h' or '1d'.
(default: 12h)
- --latest=<latest>
Latest time to include in report, exclusive.
Where the time can be most any date/time format, or
an adjuster such as '1h' or '1d'.
(default: now)