cls local [-v] [--dry-run] [--exclude-all-arcs[=<excludeAllArcs>]] [--exclude-all-tags[=<excludeAllTags>]] [-l=<lotId>] -n=<name> [--output=<format>] [--profile=<profile>] [-r=<role>] [-s=<manifestState>] [--exclude-arc=<excludeArcNames>]… [--only-resource=<onlyResourceNames>]… [-p=<projectFiles>]… [-P=<providerNames>]… [COMMAND]
- --dry-run
Do not execute underlying cdk binary.
- --exclude-all-arcs[=<excludeAllArcs>]
Exclude all arcs from the deployment, only deploy resources and boundaries.
- --exclude-all-tags[=<excludeAllTags>]
Exclude all tags from the deployment.
- --exclude-arc=<excludeArcNames>
Exclude the named arc from the deployment.
- -l, --lot=<lotId>
The lot id of the manifest to source.
- -n, --name=<name>
The arc or activity name to execute.
- --only-resource=<onlyResourceNames>
Only deploy the named resource.
- --output=<format>
Print results using given format.
Values: table, json, csv, tsv (default: table)
- -p, --project=<projectFiles>
The files that declare the project to be deployed, or
to read from stdin. - -P, --providers=<providerNames>
Provider substrates to target.
- --profile=<profile>
aws profile
- -r, --role=<role>
The dataset role to execute against.
- -s, --manifest-state=<manifestState>
Manifest state.
Values: complete, partial, empty, removed (default: complete)
- -v, --verbose
Specify multiple -v options to increase verbosity.
For example,
-v -v -v
- help
Display help information about the specified command.