
Type: aws:core:s3CopyArc


The AWS S3 Copy Arc component copies data from one S3 bucket to another S3 bucket.


All data in the source manifest will be copied to the specified dataset, except those paths that do
not pass the filter, if given. The filter is a list of include and exclude patterns.

- ? matches one character
- * matches zero or more characters
- ** matches zero or more directories in a path

A common exclude pattern would be '**/_*'. This would exclude all files that start with an underscore,
like '_SUCCESS' or '_metadata'.

workloadProps.filter.includes: A list of include patterns. Default is '**'.
workloadProps.filter.excludes: A list of exclude patterns.
workloadProps.filter.pathSeparator: The path separator to use when matching patterns. Default is '/'.
workloadProps.filter.ignoreCase: Whether to ignore case when matching patterns. Default is false.

workloadProps.failArcOnPartialPercent: The percentage of files that can fail before the Arc fails. Default is 0.0.



  "type" : "aws:core:s3CopyArc",
  "name" : null,
  "sources" : { },
  "sinks" : { }


  "type" : "aws:core:s3CopyArc",
  "name" : null,
  "exclude" : false,
  "sources" : { },
  "sinks" : { },
  "workload" : {
    "workloadProps" : {
      "filter" : {
        "includes" : [ ],
        "excludes" : [ ],
        "pathSeparator" : "/",
        "ignoreCase" : false
      "failArcOnPartialPercent" : 0.0
    "runtimeProps" : {
      "memorySizeMB" : 512,
      "retryAttempts" : 3,
      "timeoutMin" : 15,
      "architecture" : "ARM_64"