Type: aws:core:cloudWatchExport
Periodically will extract a CloudWatch log group to an S3 bucket, under a prefix. interval: Fourths|Sixth|Twelfths|etc (Future versions will support rates and cron expressions.) logGroupName: string The name of the log group to export. e.g '/aws/lambda/my-lambda' logStreamPrefix: string (optional) The prefix of the log streams to export. bucketRef: string (optional, see below) The reference to the bucket created in this project to export to, created by `aws:core:s3Bucket`. pathURI: an s3 URI The destination URI to export to. Use `s3:///prefix` or `/prefix` so that he bucketRef value is used for the bucket name. If a bucket name is given in the URI, the bucket must allow '' permission for 's3:GetBucketAcl'.