- -D, --property=<String=String>
Optional key=value properties, will be passed down.
- -h, --help
Show this help message and exit.
- --output=<format>
Print results using given format.
Values: table, json, csv, tsv (default: table)
- -P, --providers=<providerNames>
Provider substrates to target.
- -v, --verbose
Specify multiple -v options to increase verbosity.
For example,
-v -v -v
- -V, --version
Print version information and exit.
- help
Display help information about the specified command.
- config
Manage local and global configuration settings.
- show
Display details about providers, components, and project models.
- bootstrap
Initialize a cloud provider placement.
- deploy
Deploy a project into a declared placement.
- destroy
Destroy a project deployed a declared placement.
- diff
Compare local project changes with a deployed a declared placement.
- local
Support for executing workloads locally in a terminal.
- verify
Verify project changes with a provider.
- placements
List all placements with deployments.
- projects
List all deployed projects.
- arcs
List all deployed arcs.
- datasets
List all deployed datasets.