
Type: aws:core:batchExecActivity


Create an AWS Batch Exec Activity.


Allows custom code to be run inside a Docker image on AWS Batch on a schedule.
When using an aws:core:batchExecActivity, a compute environment is required to execute the Docker image.
Currently only Fargate is supported.

The "command" is the same as that would be sent to a docker image on execution.

schedule: Fourths|Sixth|Twelfths|etc or a cron(...) or rate(...) expression
    Either a lot unit can be provided, or a cron expression or rate expression.

enabled: true|false
    Whether to enable the rule that schedules the activity.
    Toggle this value to simply disable the schedule without deleting/removing the activity.

imagePath: A relative path
    The path to the Docker image to build.

environment: {key: value, ...}
    The environment variables to set in the Docker image.

command: [command, ...]
    The command to execute in the Docker image.

batchRuntimeProps: These only apply to the AWS Batch job that executes the Docker image.



  "type" : "aws:core:batchExecActivity",
  "name" : null,
  "schedule" : null,
  "computeEnvironmentRef" : null,
  "imagePath" : null,
  "pathURI" : null


  "type" : "aws:core:batchExecActivity",
  "name" : null,
  "exclude" : false,
  "schedule" : null,
  "enabled" : true,
  "batchRuntimeProps" : {
    "memorySizeMB" : 1024,
    "retryAttempts" : 1,
    "timeoutMin" : 60,
    "architecture" : "X86_64"
  "computeEnvironmentRef" : null,
  "imagePath" : null,
  "environment" : { },
  "command" : [ ],
  "bucketRef" : null,
  "pathURI" : null